
  1. 3. ….. for thought is an expression.
  2. 5. Where food items are stored.
  3. 10. When you acknowledge somebody after a speech at a meal.
  4. 11. Putting meat in a liquid for some hours.
  5. 12. Raw ingredients are ….
  6. 16. A country’s cooking is described as….
  7. 18. Snacks served with an apéritif.
  8. 19. Commonly added to food to increase taste.
  1. 1. Food prepared in an oven.
  2. 2. When meat is prepared in a frying pan.
  3. 4. You … a salad by adding flavoured liquid.
  4. 6. When food is limited to certain quantities.
  5. 7. Small metal container used to store food.
  6. 8. When cooked, food is ….
  7. 9. When men prepare meat outside.
  8. 12. The smallest size of bread.
  9. 13. You do this to an egg to make scrambled eggs.
  10. 14. When fruit is just right to eat.
  11. 15. Where you read about a choice of food.
  12. 17. Food taken from animals.