
  1. 2. When something is absolutely essential.
  2. 4. Measurement of noise.
  3. 5. enormous.
  4. 6. The person who suffers from something negative.
  5. 8. Software which attacks computer programmes.
  6. 9. Watching movies at home before DVD’s.
  7. 10. When something is legal or within a time frame.
  8. 11. the panorama from somewhere high.
  9. 12. What we hear when others speak.
  10. 13. the number for nothing.
  1. 1. To connect two things.
  2. 2. The person or company selling items.
  3. 3. When there are many alternatives or differences.
  4. 6. Using many images.
  5. 7. How politicians are democratically selected.
  6. 8. The space between two mountains.
  7. 9. Against, usually in sports.
  8. 11. To go to another person.
  9. 12. when something changes.
  10. 13. an area.