  1. 2. Horizontal rows that show the number of shells of electrons an atom has
  2. 3. A substance that is not chemically reactive
  3. 5. Vertical columns that show how many outer electrons each atom has
  4. 6. A compound of hydrogen and carbon, such as any of those which are the chief components of petroleum and natural gas
  5. 7. A base which is water-soluble
  6. 8. The negative electrode of an electrolysis cell
  7. 12. When molecules, usually ionic, split up into smaller particles or ions in aqueous solution
  8. 15. The process of using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen
  9. 17. A rod of metal or graphite through which an electric current flows into or out of an electrolyte
  10. 18. State of a system in which the concentration of the reactant and the concentration of the products do not change with time, and the system does not display any further change in properties
  1. 1. A compound, especially a metal oxide or hydroxide, able to react both as a base and as an acid
  2. 4. Reaction occurs when acid reacts with base
  3. 9. A thick liquid produced when sulfur trioxide is absorbed into a solution of 98% sulphuric acid
  4. 10. When a gas changes into a liquid on cooling and it takes place over a range of temperatures
  5. 11. Combining power of an atom and depends on atom's position on the Periodic Table
  6. 13. A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change
  7. 14. When a solid changes directly into a gas, without going through the liquid stage
  8. 16. A reaction occurs when a compound breaks down into simpler substances