# 26 SC / SN / SW

  1. 2. boys and girls join this group
  2. 3. use a broom to do this
  3. 4. you put your fingers together to make a noise
  4. 6. to weigh an object to see how heavy it is
  5. 9. turn a light on with this
  6. 10. found in a field of corn
  1. 1. the home team had a higher one to win the game
  2. 3. this slithers on the ground
  3. 4. a big beautiful white bird
  4. 5. you build this with snow
  5. 6. Mrs. B loves to wear them
  6. 7. you need deep water to do this
  7. 8. wear this around your neck in the winter
  8. 9. you go to this to learn
  9. 10. it falls during the winter