3102 Recitation- Immunity Lectures 1&2

  1. 2. A live vaccine that should not be given to patients with immunocompromised conditions.
  2. 4. Vaccination is an example of this type of adaptive immunity.
  3. 6. Arise from WBCs and initiate innate immunity.
  4. 8. This can occur if a mother is Rh- and the second baby is Rh+ and they don't receive the appropriate medication before birth.
  5. 9. All hypersensitivity reactions occur on ________ exposure.
  6. 11. The universal blood donor.
  7. 13. The inflammatory reaction that occurs from type IV hypersensitivity reactions.
  8. 15. In type III hypersensitivity reactions, antigen and antibodies combine and form __________ that are deposited into tissues.
  9. 16. A type of adaptive immunity in which an individual is given premade, fully formed antibodies against an antigen.
  10. 17. Injection given to a Rh- mother.
  11. 18. Body recognizes its own cells as foreign and mounts an immune response that injures tissues.
  12. 20. A lab that will be taken if a nurse suspects a transfusion reaction has occurred.
  13. 22. The universal blood recipient.
  14. 23. Antibody that is part of type I hypersensitivity reactions.
  15. 25. A protein produced by the human system to tag and destroy invasive microbes.
  16. 26. In humoral and cell medicated immunity ________ are released from CD4 cells to promote the inflammatory reaction.
  17. 27. Another dose of a vaccine that is given to stimulate the immune system's antigen memory.
  1. 1. Cells that are made in the bone marrow and are responsible for making antibodies.
  2. 3. A lab test that will be positive for patients with SLE.
  3. 5. Patients who are ______________ should not receive attenuated (live) vaccines.
  4. 7. An example of the body's innate immune system that acts first and immediately.
  5. 10. Drug that is given for anaphylactic reactions.
  6. 12. IgA antibodies can be found in __________.
  7. 14. Patients with this type of blood can receive type B or type O blood.
  8. 18. A severe, life threatening type I hypersensitivity reaction that occurs within minutes of exposure to antigen.
  9. 19. Cell that is responsible for cell mediated immunity and type IV hypersensitivity reactions.
  10. 21. Type IV hypersensitivity reactions such as graft rejections are cell medicated and ____________ in their reaction time.
  11. 24. Immunity can be adaptive or _________.