3460:421 OOP Dispatch

  1. 1. In this screencast, when we use the term "function", we mean a ____ function
  2. 6. Tool to demangle a symbol
  3. 8. C++ uses static dispatch for virtual methods not via a ______
  4. 9. Many compilers follow the _____ C++ ABI
  5. 10. For C++ function/method name rules, ____ and _____ of parameters matter
  6. 13. C++ uses static dispatch for ______ methods
  7. 14. Selecting which implementation of an operation (method or function) to call at compile time is ____ ____
  8. 17. The first part of the vtable is ______
  9. 20. Option for g++ to generate assembly code
  10. 21. For C++ function/method name rules, ____ matters
  11. 22. Tool to list symbols in an executable program
  12. 24. CPU has an instruction, ____, to call a function located at a memory location
  13. 26. CPU supports assembly labels that refer to a ______ address
  14. 27. A vtable is created for every class that has _______ _____
  15. 28. Do not use leading _____ on names as they are reserved for implementors and standard libraries
  16. 30. C++ only supports _____ dispatch
  1. 2. C++ uses static dispatch for virtual methods not via a ______
  2. 3. ABI is an acronym for Application ____ _____
  3. 4. A class that _______ from a class with virtual methods also has a vtable
  4. 5. Selecting which implementation of a polymorphic operation (method or function) to call at run time
  5. 7. The term "vtable" is short for ____ ___
  6. 11. For C++ function/method name rules, ____ ____ does not matter
  7. 12. Selecting which implementation of an operation (method or function) to call
  8. 15. C++ uses static dispatch for ___-virtual methods
  9. 16. CPU has an instruction, ____, to return from a function to the place that called it
  10. 18. C++ uses static dispatch for ____
  11. 19. The process by which C++ functions/methods are converted to assembly labels is ____ ____
  12. 23. C language has _____ with no overloading
  13. 25. In this screencast, when we use the term "method", we mean a _____ function
  14. 29. There is no _____ name mangling for C++