3460:421 OOP S22 Design Patterns

  1. 1. Acronym for the authors of the Design Patterns book
  2. 7. Each design pattern has a _____
  3. 8. Must be widely _____
  4. 9. Solution must be _____
  5. 12. The "Template Method" is a _____ Pattern
  6. 14. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  7. 15. Each design pattern has a _____
  8. 16. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  9. 17. The solution should be _____
  10. 19. Each design pattern has _____
  11. 21. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  12. 22. There are repeated _____ _____ and roles of classes used in most software
  1. 2. Language _____ may support these if organized correctly
  2. 3. Each pattern can be applied a million _____ over without ever doing it in the same way twice
  3. 4. Each pattern describes the core of a _____ to that problem
  4. 5. Need a way to _____ about design structures and roles
  5. 6. Each design pattern has a _____
  6. 7. Each pattern describes a _____ which occurs over and over again
  7. 10. The last name of the author of "A Pattern Language"
  8. 11. The "Factory Method" is a _____ Pattern
  9. 13. Not possible to capture these structures and roles into specific _____
  10. 18. The last name of one of the authors for the "Gang of 4 Book"
  11. 20. The "Proxy" is a _____ Pattern