3460:421 OOP S22 Errors & Exception Handling

  1. 2. The keyword to associate code with a catch
  2. 3. The keyword for handling an exception
  3. 5. After an exception is caught and handled, and the control flow continues right after the throw point, this is called _____ semantics
  4. 7. When the return statement can pass back the error code, sometimes mixed with valid values, it is the _____ _____
  5. 8. For catch handlers, the type modifier _____ is ignored
  6. 11. Do not use exception handling for normal _____
  7. 13. Put _____ class catch handlers before base class catch handlers
  8. 17. When a framework, e.g., MFC, throws pointers, use _____
  9. 19. We cannot use error codes with _____
  10. 20. Throw _____ instead of native types such as int
  11. 23. Use the specifier _____ if a function/method is not going to throw anything
  12. 25. RAII should be used for all variables since they automatically _____
  13. 26. A _____ is when we catch an exception and immediately throw it again
  14. 28. Every field/data member should have _____ semantics
  15. 29. Unlike some other object-oriented languages, C++ has no _____ keyword
  1. 1. Passing an error code back through multiple layers of calls is error _____ _____
  2. 4. In general, we want no more than _____ try block per function/method
  3. 6. Normal processing is not _____ _____ by exception handling
  4. 9. Error codes are not _____ across applications
  5. 10. If the constructor for an object does not finish, the program never calls the _____
  6. 12. When a global variable contains the exact error code it is a _____ _____ _____
  7. 14. For a catch, the parameters should be by _____
  8. 15. The Re-Throw idiom is used for an exception _____
  9. 16. C++ only supports _____ semantics
  10. 18. When an out parameter passes an error code it is an _____ _____
  11. 21. Inherit your exceptions from the _____ exceptions
  12. 22. The code to propagate an error code
  13. 24. After an exception is caught and handled, and the control flow continues right after the catch, this is called _____ semantics
  14. 27. For catch handlers, the type modifier _____ is ignored