3460:421 OOP SOLID

  1. 2. OCP where implementation is extended through inheritance is _____'s OCP
  2. 4. By a class being ____, we mean it can be compiled, stored in a library, and used by client classes
  3. 7. Under DIP, details should depend on ______
  4. 8. SOLID principles are meant to be _______ together
  5. 12. OCP with an abstract base class and we focus on the interface, not the implementation is ______ OCP
  6. 15. Software entities should be open for ________
  7. 16. Depend upon abstractions, not concretions
  8. 17. SOLID principles do not guarantee _____
  9. 18. Software entities should be closed for ____
  10. 20. DIP is short for the Dependency _____ Principle
  11. 22. Responsibility should be entirely _____ by the class
  12. 24. A client should not be forced to depend on methods it does not use
  13. 25. Under LSP, ______ cannot be weakened in a subtype
  14. 26. Every ____ should have a single responsibility
  15. 27. Under LSP, ______ cannot be strengthened in a subtype
  16. 29. Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface
  17. 30. SOLID principles make it more likely that the system is easy to ____ over time
  18. 31. SOLID principles are ______
  1. 1. A Car class that, in addition to the method drive(), has an approveParking() method, is an example of ______ responsibilities
  2. 3. SRP is short for the Single ______ Principle
  3. 5. Objects in a program should be replaceable with an instance of subtypes without affecting program correctness
  4. 6. Under LSP, ____ ____ states that new methods in subtype cannot introduce state changes in a way that is not permissible in the supertype
  5. 9. A set of principles used in conjunction with SOLID
  6. 10. Under LSP, ______ of the supertype must be preserved in the subtype
  7. 11. By a class being ____, we mean any new class can inherit and add new features
  8. 13. With ISP, we prefer _____ ______ interfaces to a general interface
  9. 14. SOLID principles can be _____
  10. 16. Under DIP, abstractions should not depend on _____
  11. 19. OCP is short for the ____/_____ Principle
  12. 20. ISP is short for the ______ Segregation Principle
  13. 21. The traditional layered architecture ______ DIP
  14. 23. LSP is short for the _____ Substitution Principle
  15. 28. A principle used in conjunction with SOLID