Evolution and animal uses

  1. 3. One of the minor nine domesticated species
  2. 5. According to Darwin's theory, evolution is only successful when animals are able to overcome this
  3. 6. One of the minor nine domesticated species
  4. 7. One of the major five domesticated species
  5. 9. According to this theory, a giraffe could, over a lifetime of straining to reach higher branches, develop an elongated neck
  6. 12. A change in the structure or the amount of genetic material of an organism
  7. 14. A dog sport
  8. 15. A dog sport
  9. 17. An animal that is kept by humans and trained to perform specific tasks
  10. 22. A symbolic animal
  11. 23. One way animals are used in the media
  12. 25. A symbolic animal
  13. 26. Adaptations can occur by this
  14. 30. One of the major five domesticated species
  15. 31. A horse sport
  16. 33. A working animal
  17. 34. A working animal
  18. 38. Developed a classification system for all animals
  19. 39. The state or process of ceasing or causing something to cease to exist
  20. 40. An English naturalist who studied variation in plants and animals during a five-year voyage around the world
  21. 42. Products which we obtain from animals when they are alive
  22. 43. A working animal
  23. 44. One way animals are used in the media
  24. 45. According to Darwin's theory, evolution is only successful when animals are able to overcome this
  25. 46. One of the minor nine domesticated species
  26. 48. According to Darwin's theory, evolution is only successful when animals are able to overcome this
  1. 1. A horse sport
  2. 2. A working animal
  3. 4. A cause of species extinction
  4. 5. A cause of species extinction
  5. 7. The intentional breeding of animals with desirable traits in an attempt to produce offspring with similar desirable characteristics, or with improved traits
  6. 8. A productive & profitable one
  7. 10. A cause of species extinction
  8. 11. Change over time
  9. 13. A French scientist who developed an evolutionary theory at the beginning of the 19th century
  10. 16. An adjustment that occurs in animals in respect to their environment
  11. 18. Evidence of evolution
  12. 19. Associations which act to preserve the integrity of the breed they are focused on
  13. 20. A symbolic animal
  14. 21. One way animals are used in the media
  15. 24. A horse sport
  16. 25. One of the major five domesticated species
  17. 27. A symbolic animal
  18. 28. Products which we obtain from animals once dead
  19. 29. The manner in which animals move and act i.e. huddling together for warmth, staying in deep water during daylight to avoid predators
  20. 30. Used since medieval times for carrying messages
  21. 32. A dog sport
  22. 35. A working animal
  23. 36. Structures of the body i.e. feathers, thick fur, additional fat layers
  24. 37. The functioning of the animal at levels from biochemical, to cellular, tissue, organ and whole organism levels, i.e. fasting, counter current heat exchange systems, embryo hibernation
  25. 41. A cause of species extinction
  26. 47. A working animal