About global issues

  1. 5. Burning fossil fuels to make things work that humans can use
  2. 8. Boom of progress in the 1800s
  3. 9. What allow us to live, and keep us from being ejected in space
  4. 11. White long jacket person who makes experiments
  5. 12. Too high, you die. Too low too.
  1. 1. Use of natural resources/fossil fuels
  2. 2. Where tomatoes grow
  3. 3. big block of ice on ground
  4. 4. ... of the earth's orbit
  5. 6. Its always, but not really (2 words)
  6. 7. Its not "cool" for the planet
  7. 10. Your professors put it to you everyday (your parents too, and so the society)