
  1. 3. a type of bird, usually its feathers are multi-coloured
  2. 4. shiny, grey and swims in the ocean
  3. 6. big, has lots of fur and lives in the woods
  4. 8. black fur, strong and eats bananas
  5. 9. pink and lives on a farm
  6. 10. has no leg and moves by slithering
  7. 12. has a mane, is tan and white
  8. 13. a small animal with a tail that likes cheese
  1. 1. tall, four legs and they live in stables
  2. 2. a small pet, purrs
  3. 3. the only bird that cannot fly
  4. 5. has lots of tentacles
  5. 7. a large grey animal that has a trunk
  6. 8. tall, yellow and has a long neck
  7. 11. four legs, barks, wears a collar