
  1. 1. Type of bird
  2. 3. they don’t have eyes and live in the water
  3. 7. it’s Colourful
  4. 8. it has floppy ears
  5. 9. Lives in the sewer
  6. 11. it likes to roll in the mud
  7. 12. Smart, brown and crazy
  8. 13. people ride them in races
  9. 15. it is yellow and black
  10. 18. They work for Scar in Lion King
  11. 19. they drink nectar
  12. 21. Farm animal
  13. 22. Small things
  14. 23. Like an alpaca
  15. 25. They love in China
  16. 26. Tiny black animal
  17. 27. It has no legs
  18. 28. don’t get pinched
  1. 1. Slimy animal
  2. 2. Stripy
  3. 4. it lives in the water and has sharp teeth
  4. 5. it’s a native bird
  5. 6. Like a turtle
  6. 10. Small grey animal
  7. 14. Big animal with big ears
  8. 15. it can be lots of colours
  9. 16. we have it for dinner
  10. 17. Rhymes with sacks
  11. 20. it has lots of legs
  12. 24. It spits