Antigone Review Puzzle

  1. 1. the King of Greece, he makes it illegal to bury Polynices
  2. 3. when you bury a dead person to be respectful
  3. 4. the main character's brother, he does not get a funeral
  4. 6. the main character's dead father
  5. 10. the main character, she wants to bury her dead brother
  1. 2. the main character's brother, he gets a funeral and is respected by people
  2. 5. the main character's sister, she does not want to help bury her dead brother
  3. 7. Creon made it a ______ for anyone to bury Polynices
  4. 8. antigone does not care that she will probably ____ after burying her brother
  5. 9. Creon said that he would make people throw _______ at anyone who tried to bury Polynices