
  1. 1. Member of the indigenous people
  2. 5. Arid ecosystem that receive fewer than 25 centimeters of precipitation per year
  3. 8. Arizona state animal, a slender fast running bird
  4. 9. Giant cactus that can grown to 66 feet in height
  5. 12. Famous waterfall in Arizona
  6. 14. A pattern of pronounced increase in thunderstorms
  7. 16. State Northeast of Arizona
  8. 17. State East of Arizona
  9. 18. Abbreviation for Arizona
  10. 19. The capital of Arizona
  11. 20. State North of Arizona
  1. 2. 33 degrees North and 112 degrees West in USA
  2. 3. National Park in Arizona
  3. 4. Generally speak Spanish
  4. 6. Principal river that runs through Southwest
  5. 7. 3 Arizona flag colors
  6. 10. Country bordering South Arizona
  7. 11. State West of Arizona
  8. 13. home to more of these recreational courses than any other state
  9. 15. State Northwest of Arizona