Basics of Chemistry

  1. 1. Makes up 65% of the human body
  2. 5. Smallest particle of an element that still retains the properties of the element
  3. 6. Hydrophilic means
  4. 10. Has a definite size but not a definite shape
  5. 11. Rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and light
  6. 13. Lightest element on earth
  7. 16. Oil loving end of a surfactant
  8. 17. Anything below 7 on the pH scale
  9. 18. Rusting iron and burning wood are examples of this type of property changes
  1. 2. Part of the atom that has a negative charge
  2. 3. Fertilizer, plastic, gasoline
  3. 4. Antioxidants do this to free radicals to prevernt oxidation from occurring
  4. 7. Skin's protective barrier
  5. 8. Air, hydrogen peroxide, salt water for example
  6. 9. All living things, plants or animals contain this
  7. 12. This type of emulsion is easily rinsed away with water
  8. 14. Two or more atoms joined chemically
  9. 15. A change in the state of a substance, without the formation of a new substance