BCA Weekly Challenge

  1. 4. Four-legged movie star of the 1950s, known as a loyal Collie
  2. 6. Long-playing record format introduced in 1948
  3. 8. First satellite launched into orbit by the USSR in 1957
  4. 9. Popular swing dance from the 1930s and 1940s
  5. 10. "___, the Friendly Ghost" (1945 animated character)
  1. 1. Candy that melts in your mouth, not in your hand
  2. 2. Home of the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair
  3. 3. Actor who starred as "The Duke" in classic Westerns
  4. 5. Popular card game that gained mass appeal in the 1930s
  5. 7. TV variety show host famous for introducing Elvis Presley