Biological Psychology Exam 1

  1. 2. Genetic expression due to change in environment or age
  2. 4. Vision
  3. 6. What evolved from what
  4. 9. DNA replicates itself into one strand of RNA through
  5. 11. 46, 23 pairs
  6. 14. Contains prefrontal cortex and motor cortex
  7. 17. Gap between neurons
  8. 18. Stimulation from several neurons adding up in SPACE
  9. 21. Soma becomes more positive
  10. 22. Physical
  11. 24. Calms the body down
  12. 26. Occur very quickly and depend on Glutamine and GABA. Sight and hearing senses
  13. 30. Can hyperpolarize or depolarize the soma to trigger or not to trigger an action potential
  14. 34. Soma becomes more negative
  15. 35. conducts Chemical reactions for the cell to survive
  16. 36. Homozygous or heterozygous
  17. 38. Controls vital reflexes such as: breathing, heart rate, vomiting, and coughing
  18. 39. Emotion
  19. 40. Chemical messages involved in making frogs move
  1. 1. Admitting info into the CNS
  2. 3. Fight or flight
  3. 5. Sleeping and allows secretions of GABA
  4. 7. Consciousness existence
  5. 8. Star shaped cells that control blood flow to brain areas
  6. 10. A graded hyperpolarization at the soma of the of the postsynaptic cell making it less likely to fire
  7. 12. Reduce activity of neurons, helpful in controlling anxiety
  8. 13. Prevents chemicals from entering the brain
  9. 15. Exiting the CNS and carrying info to other areas of the body
  10. 16. Convey messages to any organ that can receive them
  11. 19. Stimulation from a neuron building up over TIME
  12. 20. Necessary for survival
  13. 23. Procedure of drilling holes into a persons skull to get to the frontal lobes
  14. 25. Auditory
  15. 27. Reproduction and bonding
  16. 28. Sequence of reactions that are slower to act and longer lasting. Taste, smell, and pain, learning, arousal, emotion
  17. 29. A,T,G,C
  18. 31. A graded depolarization at the soma on the post synaptic making it more likely to fire
  19. 32. Spatial and numerical information
  20. 33. Mood (happiness), anxiety, sleep, intestinal movements
  21. 37. The amount of this in your body controls the amount of serotonin in your body