
  1. 6. division one cell turning into two cells.
  2. 7. a biotic community interacting with each other and the abiotic factors.
  3. 9. the specific weather conditions of a given area.
  4. 12. small organisms
  5. 14. third stage of mitosis where the chromosomes move away from each other.
  6. 18. instrument for visualizing small things.
  7. 20. makes energy for the cell (ATP).
  8. 22. a dry biome that receives less than 25-50 cm of rain per year and temperatures ranging from -7°C to above 30°C.
  9. 23. structures are organs or skeletal elements that are similar because of a common ancestor.
  10. 26. the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which consists of organelles.
  11. 27. species is a species that an ecosystem needs to maintain its stability. Ecosystems can collapse if a keystone species is removed.
  12. 29. fertilization pollen’s DNA enters the egg cell in the ovule.
  13. 31. shape round shape
  14. 35. non-living things.
  15. 36. looking at the situation.
  16. 39. chain a series of organisms each dependent on the previous as a food source (shows energy transfers and matter transformations through the ecosystem).
  17. 40. a dry biome that receives less than 25-50 cm of rain per year and temperatures ranging from -15°C to - 2°C.
  18. 41. a set of things working together as a part of a whole.
  19. 42. seed a seed that contains a homozygous trait (refer to Mendel’s peas).
  20. 43. (plasma) membrane allows things into and out of the cell.
  21. 45. an organism that preys on others.
  22. 46. (flow) something that enters a storage within a system.
  23. 48. a piece of DNA that usually codes a protein.
  24. 50. an organism that breaks down dead or decaying things into smaller molecules.
  25. 52. living things.
  26. 53. resting phase between mitosis divisions.
  27. 54. contains the DNA (chromosomes).
  28. 59. body helps send things out of the cell.
  29. 61. one cell turning into four haploid cells (sexual).
  30. 63. A genetically determined characteristic e.g. blue eyes.
  31. 66. an organism that makes its own food from an external energy source.
  32. 69. first stage of mitosis when chromosomes become visible and the nuclear envelope disappears.
  33. 71. tube the tube that grows from the pollen grain towards the ovule of the flower.
  34. 72. have the same allele usually represented by a single letter (e.g. BB or bb)
  35. 74. structure ATCG
  36. 76. fish
  37. 78. organisms that only eat meat.
  38. 79. fertilization sperm enters egg cell and chromosomes combine.
  39. 81. turns CO2 + H2O + sunlight into glucose (plant food) O2.
  40. 82. reproduction reproduction that occurs with germ cells (gametes).
  41. 84. cells cells that can be changed into other cells.
  42. 85. the process where plants change CO2 and H20 into glucose using the energy from sunlight.
  43. 87. (latent) trait the trait we can’t see in a heterozygous organism.
  44. 90. changes DNA into protein.
  45. 91. A diverse biome with rainfall ranging from less than 25 cm to about 280cm per year and temperature ranging from -7°C to about 30°C.
  46. 94. reproduction reproduction that occurs without germ cells (gametes).
  47. 96. cell the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which consists of organelles (does not contain chloroplasts)..
  48. 97. one cell turning into two diploid cells (asexual).
  49. 100. species a species that is not originally brought into a country where it is not from.
  50. 102. something that stays unchanged as it moves through a system.
  51. 103. receiving genetic material from your parents.
  1. 1. pattern the mechanism and pattern of how genes are inherited.
  2. 2. organisms that make their own food.
  3. 3. Male germ cell.
  4. 4. is a transfer or transformation.
  5. 5. fossil
  6. 8. an organism that relies on feeding on other organisms.
  7. 10. lung
  8. 11. mammals
  9. 13. making offspring (babies).
  10. 15. cell the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which consists of organelles (contains chloroplasts).
  11. 16. fourth stage of mitosis where two new nuclei form around the two new chromosome sets.
  12. 17. was a bird like reptile that represents the transition from reptiles to birds.
  13. 19. cycle the transfers and transformations carbon does as it cycles around the environment.
  14. 21. transfer of pollen to the stigma.
  15. 24. sperm enters egg cell and chromosomes combine.
  16. 25. an organism that is hunter by another.
  17. 28. the surroundings or conditions in which things live.
  18. 30. storage of our DNA (genetic code).
  19. 32. anatomical and behavioral patterns specific to a group of organisms.
  20. 33. shape wrinkled shape
  21. 34. bacteria
  22. 37. two new cells separate from each other (in the cases of some organisms like plants a cell plate forms between the new cells.
  23. 38. amphibian
  24. 44. organisms that feed on other organisms.
  25. 47. breeding breeding two different types of the same species to create different traits.
  26. 49. endoplasmic reticulum makes proteins for outside the cell.
  27. 51. second stage of mitosis when the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.
  28. 55. warming the steady raise in global temperatures due to human impacts.
  29. 56. fin
  30. 57. have different alleles usually represented by one upper and one lower case letter (e.g. Bb)
  31. 58. endoplasmic reticulum packages proteins to be moved to the outside of the cell (e.g. hormones)
  32. 60. something that changes as it moves through a system.
  33. 62. (flow) something that leaves a storage within a system.
  34. 64. of segregation each gamete receives just one copy of the gene (allele).
  35. 65. animals with a backbone
  36. 67. reptiles
  37. 68. helps the cells to divide.
  38. 70. different types of the same gene (Brown eyes B versus blue eyes b
  39. 73. cells / gametes sperm and egg cells.
  40. 75. birds
  41. 77. evolution
  42. 79. a variety of water biomes ranging from freshwater to saltwater.
  43. 80. cell one of the body’s cells (specialized cells e.g. nerve cells).
  44. 81. biology protecting the biotic and abiotic environment.
  45. 83. fungi
  46. 86. female germ cell.
  47. 88. web a system of interconnected food chains.
  48. 89. organisms that only eat plants.
  49. 92. deoxyribose nucleic acid stores our genetic code.
  50. 93. organisms that eat plants and meat.
  51. 95. (overt) trait the trait we can see in a heterozygous organism.
  52. 98. A large area (or set of ecosystems) that share similar biotic, geographic and climatic conditions.
  53. 99. a series of biomes with rainfall that ranges from less than 100cm to greater than 400cm per year and temperatures that range from about 0 °C to about 30°C.
  54. 101. the observable or measurable protein product of a gene.