  1. 4. The taking in of food and water
  2. 7. madden
  3. 15. (plants)
  4. 16. rough
  5. 17. building block
  6. 18. container
  7. 19. tubular
  8. 21. building block
  9. 22. science
  10. 23. cant make its own food
  11. 24. apparatus
  12. 27. life
  13. 28. smooth er
  14. 29. All living things are composed of cells
  15. 32. Can make its own food
  16. 33. science
  17. 34. DNA
  1. 1. little fingers
  2. 2. Breaking down food
  3. 3. eating
  4. 5. keeps cell together
  5. 6. baby
  6. 8. simple microscopes
  7. 9. German botanist
  8. 10. pooping
  9. 11. science
  10. 12. power house
  11. 13. (plants)
  12. 14. Ribosomes
  13. 16. opposite of digestion
  14. 18. cells could only arise from preexisting cells
  15. 20. apparatus
  16. 25. cells
  17. 26. 26
  18. 30. Schwann Zoologist
  19. 31. membrane