Building a New Nation

  1. 4. a European country located south of Great Britain and northeast of Spain
  2. 5. Shawnee Chief
  3. 6. the fourth chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
  4. 8. the main author of the Declaration of Independence
  5. 12. an interpreter on the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  6. 13. the ninth president of the United States
  7. 14. where the agreement that ended the War of 1812 was signed
  8. 15. the practice of forcing unwilling men to join military or naval service
  1. 1. the principle that the Supreme Court has the power to declare a federal law unconstitutional
  2. 2. a law passed by Congress and signed by President Thomas Jefferson in December 1807
  3. 3. the seventh president of the United States
  4. 7. the fourth U.S. president
  5. 9. most famous for writing "The Star-Spangled Banner"
  6. 10. wide strip of land west of the Mississippi River
  7. 11. James Madison’s wife