capítulo 3A vocab sheet

  1. 3. its orange and the juice form tastes like OJ
  2. 7. mostly comes from cows but goats can have them too, even soy and almond for some weird reason
  3. 10. to eat
  4. 12. you would eat this in the morning with milk
  5. 13. starbucks makes these with 90% ice and 10% te
  6. 17. it is sometimes long and yellow/green
  7. 19. comes from pigs usually from their legs...also a cognate
  8. 20. in-n-out makes these really well
  9. 21. its schooling 101 to have this on the teacher's desk
  10. 23. you make it with yeast and dough
  11. 25. comes from chicken's butts
  12. 26. comes from pigs. hopefully, and is like a salchicha but usually served with buns, mustard, ketchup
  13. 27. doing this is caring but i dont really care
  14. 28. basically every vegan's restaurant order
  1. 1. santa and the ------ monster are real fans of this. you usually get tricked if its raisins or chocolate chip
  2. 2. this is a cognate and also. yoplait
  3. 4. most important part of the day
  4. 5. how, how am i supposed to describe this
  5. 6. also comes from pigs but is thin and crispy
  6. 8. basically potatoes cut to long strips and fried
  7. 9. british people love to drink this with their pinkies in the air
  8. 11. red, delicious, more delicious with chocolate, small and has seeds
  9. 14. kinda of a cognate and is served hot preferably by your grandma
  10. 15. comes from pigs and is sometimes a cooler version of a hot dog
  11. 16. taste great with butter, jam, peanutbutter, and honey
  12. 18. comes after breakfast
  13. 22. milk thats aged and quesadillas tastes great melted
  14. 24. to drink
  15. 27. adult version of hot cocoa
  16. 29. the sea has a lot of this