Chapter 9 Key Terms & Concepts

  1. 1. - Having to do with time and time sequence; in the early childhood setting, refers to scheduling and how time is sequenced and spent, both at home and in school.
  2. 3. - regular procedures; habitual, repeated, or regular parts of the school day, in early childhood programs, routines are those parts of the program schedule that remain constant, such as indoor time followed by cleanup and snack, regardless of what activities are being offered within those time slots.
  3. 5. - alterations in the way tasks are presented or activities experienced that allow children with learning disabilities to compete the same as other children.
  4. 6. - relating to, or involving relationships with, other people; those parts of the environment that have to do with the people in a school setting.
  5. 7. - all those conditions that affect children's surroundings and the people in them; the physical, interpersonal, and temporal aspects of an early childhood setting.
  1. 1. - a change from one state or activity to another; in early childhood terms, transitions are those times of change in the daily schedule (whether planned or not), such as from being with a parent to being alone in school, from playing with one toy to choosing another, form being outside to being inside, etc.
  2. 2. - the state of being able to exist and operate independently, of being self-sufficient rather than being dependent on others.
  3. 4. - centers in a classroom or yard that are organized for learning or experiences that will interest children.