Chemistry UNIT 3

  1. 3. N – H & O – H & F – H can form ______ Bonds
  2. 4. _____ functions do not depend on path
  3. 6. Salts have _____ bonding
  4. 11. direct n and V
  5. 12. T at which molecules in the bulk achieve a vapor pressure greater than atm pressure and escape
  6. 14. These are not dependent on size but are a single value
  7. 15. Direct V and T
  8. 17. Inverse of P and V
  9. 18. Infinitely small particles
  1. 1. Vapor pressure and evaporation rate are ______ related to IMF
  2. 2. symmetrical or ΣΔEN = 0
  3. 5. additive for a system.
  4. 7. All compounds have ____ forces
  5. 8. ______ functions follow along and keep track of proces
  6. 9. asymmetrical or ΣΔEN≠0
  7. 10. Polar molecules have permanent ______
  8. 13. As Mass decreases, the _______ spreads
  9. 16. surface phenomenon in which the IMF of surface molecules is broken by T to convert liquid to vapor