  1. 1. Substance that forms hydronium ions in water (Arrhenius)______
  2. 5. gas filled in packet of chips to prevent rancidity____
  3. 7. . a substance that can accept hydrogen ions because it has a hydroxide ion.
  4. 9. PH stands for ___in German meaning power
  5. 10. Oxide of which element is used as major ingredient in cement.
  6. 11. Plaster of Paris changes to ______ on mixing with water.
  1. 2. This happens when an acid dissolves in water.________
  2. 3. .Colour of Solid magnesium is_____
  3. 4. Aqueous solution of sodium chloride is known as?
  4. 6. Consider equation: Cu⁺² (aq) + 2OH⁻(aq) → Cu(OH)₂ (s). precipitate of Copper Hydroxide (Cu(OH)₂) will be of______
  5. 8. oxidation of fats and oils which makes the smell and taste bad is known as?