Chemistry Unit 1

  1. 3. Properties like color, shape, luster, etc
  2. 5. A subatomic particle with negative charge
  3. 6. Fluorine, Chlorine,Bromine, Iodine, Group 17
  4. 7. Single character from the periodic table
  5. 8. Number of protons and neutrons= ___#
  6. 12. Mixture of fully integrated pieces
  7. 14. Unit of measurement for Average Atomic Mass
  8. 15. Properties like acidity, reactivity, etc
  9. 17. A subatomic particle with positive charge
  1. 1. The outer rings of electrons
  2. 2. Name of atom with varying # of neutrons
  3. 4. Two different elements joining forces atomically
  4. 6. Mixture of compounds that do no integrate
  5. 9. # of protons dictates this number
  6. 10. Type of gases that are content alone
  7. 11. Atom with more or fewer electrons turns into...
  8. 13. A subatomic particle with no charge
  9. 16. Atom with 6 protons and 7 neutrons