Chemistry Vocab. #4

  1. 2. state An atom's lowest energy state.
  2. 5. Emissions of electrons from the cathode, travel in straight lines, unaffected by gravity.
  3. 6. Positively charged ions with a mass of about 7300 electrons.
  4. 7. Positive particles in the nucleus.
  5. 8. Engery emissions come only in certain amounts or quantities
  6. 11. of definite composition States that every compound is formed of elements combined in specific ratios by mass that are unique for that compound.
  7. 13. A spectrum showing only certain colors or wavelengths of light.
  8. 14. The smallest particle capable of chemical interactions
  9. 15. It is impossible to know both the energy or momentum and the exact position of an electron at the same time.
  10. 17. Neutral particles in the nucleus.
  1. 1. A region around the nucleus containing the main or principal energy level in which an electron is found.
  2. 3. massless particles in light
  3. 4. Suggests that if waves could behave like particles, then particles could behave like waves
  4. 5. A complete visual spectrum with no frequency gaps, emitted only by an ideal luminous object.
  5. 9. Three-dimensional regions of probable position
  6. 10. The dense central part of an atom made up of protons and neutrons, virtually contains all the atom's mass, but very little of it's volume.
  7. 12. Number of protons in the necleus.
  8. 16. Negatively charged particles.