
  1. 2. a magical holiday
  2. 5. santa's favorite reindeer
  3. 6. the type of shoes you need to be able to skate
  4. 9. a decoration and is handy for cracking nuts
  5. 10. santa puts coal in your ____________ if you were naughty
  6. 11. a sport you do on snow
  1. 1. a special type of cookie
  2. 3. what you see usally under your christmas tree on christmas day
  3. 4. what you hang on your christmas tree
  4. 6. delivers presents to you home
  5. 7. what you can build with snow
  6. 8. a special type of drink you drink during winter
  7. 10. the magical ______ santa rides on
  8. 11. white stuff that is on the ground during winter