Color Theory

  1. 3. What happens when you mix magenta and green together?
  2. 4. colors found on the same side of the color wheel.
  3. 6. secondary color
  4. 8. no color, only black, gray and white
  5. 10. primary color
  6. 12. magenta-orange, magenta-violet, magenta
  7. 15. colors opposite from each other on the color wheel
  8. 17. primary color
  9. 19. primary color
  10. 21. blue-green, green, magenta-blue
  11. 23. made from magenta and blue
  12. 24. colors that cannot be made
  1. 1. made by mixing complementary colors together
  2. 2. orange, green, yellow-orange
  3. 5. colors made from secondary and primary colors
  4. 7. What is analogous to yellow and blue?
  5. 9. one color with white or black added
  6. 11. What is analogous to yellow and magenta?
  7. 13. What is complementary to purple
  8. 14. secondary color
  9. 16. tertiary color
  10. 18. colors found between primary colors
  11. 20. add black to a color
  12. 22. add white to a color