Computer Science Revision

  1. 3. is a non-volatile type of primary storage
  2. 6. asks users to write something
  3. 7. how quickly something runs
  4. 8. holds the results of the calculations
  5. 11. the number of cpus
  6. 13. is a volatile type of primary storage
  7. 18. the brain of the computer
  8. 19. performs calculations
  9. 20. type of secondary storage cheap but not portable
  10. 22. where the CPU stores regularly used programs
  11. 24. type of secondary storage more expensive per GB portable and durable
  1. 1. how easily damaged something is
  2. 2. creates a file on the hard disk
  3. 4. where open applications not currently being used are sent to
  4. 5. holds the actual memory
  5. 9. you cant edit it
  6. 10. a whole number
  7. 12. GB,MB
  8. 14. number of cycles per second
  9. 15. type of secondary storage cheap and portable
  10. 16. sends signals to control data
  11. 17. holds address of next instruction
  12. 21. holds address of where data is to be fetched
  13. 23. a line of code