Crossword Game

  1. 5. It is tools, machines, parts, and devices that can be seen. and tangible
  2. 6. The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.
  3. 8. A gas that is important for the life of both plants and animals. including us humans
  4. 10. An optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer.
  5. 13. The action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language.
  6. 15. The body of words used in a particular language.
  7. 17. The chemical element of atomic number 7, a colorless, odorless unreactive
  8. 18. A group of computers or communication devices of different types that are connected together to provide users in a network. can communicate
  9. 20. an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects.
  1. 1. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something
  2. 2. Learning the internal organs of the mouth that are used for pronunciation Identify each sound nature of pronunciation vocalization including various physical characteristics of speech
  3. 3. The process of translating words or text from one language into another.
  4. 4. It is an element on the periodic table with the symbol Ne and atomic number 10. Neon is an inert gas.
  5. 7. The way in which a word is pronounced.
  6. 9. A subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge
  7. 11. The verb form shows that When did that action or event happen, it happened or is happening in the future?
  8. 12. A large computer network was born. from the merger of multiple subnets
  9. 14. It is the 33rd element name, symbol As, solid.
  10. 16. It is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element. Every solid, liquid, gas
  11. 19. It is a unit of resistance measurement.