Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. The sum of two numbers is 41482308. If one number is 3918695 then, find the other number.
  2. 4. In an election 23875501 votes were polled. There were three candidates in the election. Two of them got 9823823 and 11575923 votes respectively. How many votes were polled in favor of the third candidate?
  3. 6. In cold storage, there were 386532308 kg potatoes. If 364228208 kg of potatoes are sold off then how many kg of potatoes are left in the godown?
  4. 7. The population of a country in 1990 was 906450600 and next year it is increased by 9889700. What was the population of that country in the year of 1991?
  1. 1. A soap factory produced 2692654 soaps in one year. In the next year, it produced 867205 more. How many soaps did the factory produced in the second year?
  2. 3. Mr. Jones deposited $278475 in a bank in his account. Later he withdrew $155755 from his account. How much money was left in the bank in his account?
  3. 5. Aaron bought two houses for $1668000 and $2454000. How much did he spend in all?