Dark Skies

  1. 1. It can be new, full, waxing, waning, or even gibbous.
  2. 4. When you go to bed, turn your lights...
  3. 5. The night-time pollinator, while bees are sleeping.
  4. 7. This colour of light helps you see in the dark without wrecking your night vision.
  5. 9. A name for our North Star.
  6. 11. When light is shining where it shouldn't be, it's a type of this.
  1. 2. Animals that are only awake at night are called this.
  2. 3. A picture in the sky, drawn with stars.
  3. 6. A tool used to look more closely at the night sky.
  4. 8. Along with stars, you can see these neighbours in the night sky.
  5. 10. This bird has huge eyes, but it can't move them, so it turns its head a long way around.