DevOps CMake Hierarchies

  1. 3. Path to the library testing only ~/CMakeHierarchy/________
  2. 6. How to include a CMakeLists.txt file in a subdirectory
  3. 9. Path to only testing ~/CMakeHierarchy/________
  4. 10. For subprojects, we had to repeat this CMake command and duplicate the argument in multiple places
  5. 12. The ability to only have the client test is useful for testing an __________
  6. 13. Used in the CMake call project() to indicate that the project does not need a compiler
  1. 1. A CMake variable that lets us tell if the project() command is defined
  2. 2. The example project had, at the top level, the directory _____ for all the source code
  3. 4. The example project had, at the top level, the directory _____ for all the test code
  4. 5. Both directories, source, and testing, have a ____ directory for the application library
  5. 7. Path to the client testing only ~/CMakeHierarchy/________
  6. 8. Both directories, source, and testing, have a ____ directory for the application executable
  7. 11. A CMake call that has to be in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file to use ctest