DevOps Virtualization

  1. 1. Virtualization is not a ___ idea
  2. 4. Recursive virtualization is possible on a VMM without ______ dependencies
  3. 7. Move away from dealing directly with VMs into ________
  4. 9. Consolidation is often used for ______ software support
  5. 11. The speed of an emulator is ____
  6. 18. Hiding the physical characteristics of computer resources from the applications is _____ _____
  7. 19. Simulate enough hardware so that an unmodified guest operating system can run is ___ virtualization
  8. 21. A Virtual Machine _______ provides virtual machine abstraction
  9. 22. Isolation is a common for ______ Partitioning
  10. 23. A ____ ____ is capable of virtualizing all hardware resources, processors, memory, storage, and peripherals
  11. 24. Another name for a VMM
  12. 26. All control-sensitive instructions always _____ and pass control to the VMM
  13. 28. When we split what is running on one server into multiple servers, typically multiple VMs on a VMM
  14. 31. An _____ developer uses an emulator
  15. 32. Non-privileged instructions must be executed ______
  16. 34. Models the original guest instruction set, a realistic imitation
  17. 35. A ____ OS is what the VMM runs in
  18. 36. Thereom states that we can construct a VMM if the set of ____-_____ instructions are a subset of the privileged instructions
  19. 37. It is important to know what tools a virtualization platform provides for ______ VMs
  20. 38. Except for response time, the behavior of an emulator is ____
  21. 39. A ____ OS is what the VMM supports
  1. 2. A VMM property where the program running under a VMM should exhibit a behavior identical to that of running on the equivalent machine
  2. 3. A statistically dominant fraction of machine instructions may be executed without VMM intervention
  3. 5. A VMM property where the VMM is in full control of virtualized resources is ____ ____
  4. 6. A good example of a simulator is a ____ simulator
  5. 8. ____ virtualization is when a VMM can run on a copy of itself
  6. 10. In this job, often uses all three: Consolidation, Isolation, and Migration
  7. 12. VMWare ESX runs bare-metal and has its own _____
  8. 13. A workaround for non-virtualizable machines where the guest o.s. is modified (e.g., IBM VM)
  9. 14. Reproduction of the function or action of a different computer, software system, etc., and replicates the original guest instruction set
  10. 15. Virtualization is the _________ of system administration
  11. 16. When separate servers running on separate machines move to one VMM
  12. 17. Isolation is often used for activity ______
  13. 18. ______ instructions are those that trap in user mode, and only run in system mode
  14. 20. When a VM moves from one VMM to another
  15. 25. A workaround for non-virtualizable machines where critical instructions are removed and replaced with a trap to VMM
  16. 27. One of the authors of the paper Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures
  17. 29. Migration can be used for a _____
  18. 30. The speed of a simulator is ____
  19. 33. An _____ developer uses a simulator