DNA Review

  1. 2. if A= 17% then C=__ (spell it out - no spaces)
  2. 4. 1 sugar + 1 phosphate + 1 base
  3. 6. who discovered the base pairs
  4. 9. the name of the sugar in DNA
  5. 12. Thymine is complementary to __
  6. 14. scientific term for the 3D shape of DNA (no spaces)
  7. 15. a gene has the instructions for one __
  8. 16. DNA's function is to store, copy, and express __
  9. 19. the cell part that is made of DNA
  10. 20. Watson & Crick made the first accurate __ of the DNA structure
  11. 21. strand that is complementary to TTAACGCT
  1. 1. during replication DNA polymerase adds the __ nucleotides
  2. 3. enzyme that prevent the loss of information at the ends of chromosomes
  3. 5. DNA contains a __ acid
  4. 7. the enzyme that breaks the hydrogen bonds
  5. 8. DNA replication happens in the __ phase
  6. 10. DNA stands for __ (no spaces)
  7. 11. took x-ray photos of DNA that showed it was a helix
  8. 13. DNA strands are held together by __ bonds
  9. 17. after replication the 2 original strands are on the __ of each piece of DNA
  10. 18. where the DNA goes from 2 connected strands to 2 separate