Dota 2 Crossword - Basic and Advanced Knowledge version

  1. 3. variation of pushing (___ pushing)
  2. 5. players are flaming you / others in the game. which button do you press?
  3. 7. killing blow on a friendly unit
  4. 9. try to hold it in laning phase (creep ____)
  5. 11. basic jungling technique
  6. 13. leading lane creeps into attacking jungle creeps
  7. 15. can be controlled (edge panning / middle mouse btn)
  8. 16. term for a hero/item/strategy especially effective against the enemy
  9. 18. getting an item as soon as any possible is usually referred to as a ____
  1. 1. technique: abusing line of sight
  2. 2. extremely close games are sometimes decided via a base ____
  3. 3. important for blocking: lane creeps change their ____ at some point
  4. 4. base magic reduction in % (in letters)
  5. 5. technique for getting rid of the backswing animation (animation ____)
  6. 6. advanced technique with boots (treads ____)
  7. 8. 500 gold item that new players dont turn off
  8. 10. good players have acquired the habit to check it consistently
  9. 12. 'always' carry one
  10. 14. effective hitpoints (EHP) are calculated using total hitpoints and ____
  11. 17. term for losing a 'won game'