Econ Unit III Review

  1. 1. Decreased government spending will __ the economy.
  2. 5. Obtaining, buying and selling of goods and services in one reason that nations and states __.
  3. 7. This agency helps protect money in banks.
  4. 8. A public park might charge a __ to help pay for litter removal.
  5. 10. ___ is another name for Federal Reserve Notes.
  6. 11. This agency enforces antitrust legislation.
  7. 13. The highest point in the economic cycle.
  8. 18. If the government __ the amount of money they borrow then that will decrease the amount of money for private loans.
  9. 19. This can happen if there is too much money in the economy.
  10. 20. If banks want to encourage people to take out a loan they will ___ the interest rate.
  11. 21. If banks DO NOT want to loan money they will ___ the interest rate.
  12. 22. The Fed acts as the federal government's __.
  13. 23. When people are losing jobs and pay higher taxes.
  14. 24. Antitrust legislation breaks up __.
  1. 2. The Fed's main job is to ___ over the economy.
  2. 3. If the government __ taxes then private spending will increase.
  3. 4. Public goods and services are provided to __ people at one time.
  4. 6. Giving a business a tax __ is one way the government encourages new businesses.
  5. 7. This agency regulates TV and Radio.
  6. 9. This agency regulates pollution.
  7. 12. The 16th Amendment permits (allows) Congress to ___.
  8. 14. When the economy is growing and there are lower taxes.
  9. 15. Increased government ____ will increase taxes.
  10. 16. The lowest point the economic cycle.
  11. 17. The right of private ownership are protected by negotiated __.