EL VERBO SER y Los Adjetivos

  1. 2. WEAK-write it in Spanish
  2. 5. INTELLIGENT-write it in Spanish
  3. 8. BLONDE-write it in Spanish
  4. 10. CUTE-write it in Spanish
  5. 13. Yo___muy simpático.
  6. 14. GREYHAIRED-write it in Spanish
  7. 15. BALD-write it in Spanish
  8. 16. TALL-write it in Spanish
  9. 17. él (conjugate the verb ser)
  10. 19. Steven ___alto.
  11. 20. nosotros (conjugate the verb ser)
  1. 1. AMBITIOUS-write it in Spanish
  2. 3. ellos/ellas/ustedes (conjugate the verb ser)
  3. 4. STRONG-write it in Spanish
  4. 6. ella (conjugate the verb ser)
  5. 7. TIMID-write it in Spanish
  6. 9. yo(conjugate the verb ser)
  7. 11. HANDSOME-write it in Spanish
  8. 12. Victor y yo ___amigos.
  9. 13. Maria y Carmen ___ lindas
  10. 15. FUNNY-write it in Spanish
  11. 17. tu (conjugate the verb ser)
  12. 18. SHORT-write it in Spanish