Final Exam Review

  1. 4. Language of Cantate Domino
  2. 5. This mark looks like a comma and tells the choir where they can take a breath
  3. 6. Another word for decrescendo
  4. 8. A changing of keys is called
  5. 11. Hand signs and syllables to use when sight reading
  6. 13. Sharps, flats, and naturals are types of
  7. 15. Space notes on the treble clef
  8. 16. Markings that say how loud or soft the choir should be
  9. 17. Type of scale played in Recording 1
  10. 18. In order for the audience to understand what the choir is saying, clear ____ is needed.
  11. 19. When the entire chorus sings together on the same notes, mixedmeter When the time signature changes several times in a piece, the piece is said to be in
  12. 20. Marking that indicates emphasis or weight on a note
  1. 1. Type of “t” we had to use for Spanish-language pieces
  2. 2. Note type that equals ¼ of a beat
  3. 3. Vowels needed for proper Latin
  4. 7. Dynamic marking that means very, very loud
  5. 9. Type of scale played in Recording 2
  6. 10. Markings that indicate the notes should be light and poppy
  7. 12. Language of Hotaru Koi
  8. 14. Key with 3 flats
  9. 21. Gradually getting louder