Friendship Puzzle 12

  1. 3. what's done to a disobedient child
  2. 5. magic reptile
  3. 7. often added to a summer drink
  4. 9. chistine, Izzy, and Tofu do this effortlessly
  5. 10. nerves of ___
  6. 11. how the feeling of romantic chemistry is sometimes described
  7. 12. gay fem
  8. 13. pacifists avoid doing this
  9. 14. chronically online people should touch this
  1. 1. to lack noteworthy or unique traits
  2. 2. to annoy
  3. 3. to cut contact with no warning
  4. 4. something you should do to plants
  5. 5. Christine's humor
  6. 6. displays many characteristics of life
  7. 8. reigan's profession
  8. 12. no penguin is currently doing this