Fun with Food and Nutrition

  1. 3. Eating more __ can help with weight gain.
  2. 4. Devices such as jar openers or pincher-like devices can help those with this painful joint condition maintain independence.
  3. 7. Hip fractures and bone loss can be more common in older people due to less of this vitamin.
  4. 8. Professional who helps with food and nutrition problems
  5. 9. Not eating enough iron rich foods such as dark leafy greens and meat can cause this condition related to iron deficiency.
  6. 11. Getting enough of this macronutrient can help with wound healing and maintaining lean body mass.
  7. 13. Proper denture ___ can make it easier to chew fruits and vegetables.
  8. 14. Engaging in this activity can help with body muscle mass and good heart health.
  1. 1. True or false, weight changes as we age are normal.
  2. 2. Condition caused by not drinking enough water or diarrhea/vomiting.
  3. 5. Taking too much of this medication designed to decrease stomach acid can cause decreased nutrient absorption.
  4. 6. Eating with ___ can help you feel less isolated and eat more at mealtime.
  5. 10. Getting time in the sun as well as drinking __ from a cow can help you get more vitamin D.
  6. 12. Eating more __ found in whole grains like oatmeal and flaxseeds can prevent constipation.
  7. 15. Food assistance program that can help pay for groceries.