General knowledge

  1. 3. Fruit
  2. 4. Flying object
  3. 5. River running through Berlin
  4. 9. Cocktail
  5. 12. Instrument
  6. 16. Mode of transport
  7. 17. Tool
  8. 18. Font
  9. 21. Fruit
  10. 22. Actor
  11. 23. Fruit
  12. 25. Cocktail
  13. 28. Utensil
  14. 29. City in Australia
  15. 30. Italian river
  16. 32. Short-lived insect
  17. 33. Cocktail
  18. 34. Cocktail
  1. 1. Often with fish
  2. 2. Squeaks
  3. 6. South American river
  4. 7. Swedish tradition
  5. 8. Flying object
  6. 10. Flying object
  7. 11. Body part
  8. 13. Font
  9. 14. Actor
  10. 15. Small lizard
  11. 19. Capital of Albania
  12. 20. Spanish city
  13. 24. German city
  14. 26. Jumpy animal
  15. 27. Body part
  16. 31. Household item
  17. 32. Body part