Getting Around

  1. 1. Teresa walks to the subway ___.
  2. 3. My mother drives a ___ to work.
  3. 4. How do you get ___ town?
  4. 6. I walk on the ___.
  5. 10. Some people take a ___.
  6. 11. Students take the ___ to school.
  7. 12. She takes the ___ to school.
  8. 13. People drive on the ___.
  1. 2. My friend takes the ___.
  2. 5. They ___ the bus.
  3. 7. My father ___ me to school.
  4. 8. I ___ to school on nice days.
  5. 9. People wait for the bus at the bus ___.
  6. 11. I ride my ___.