Gods and Goddesses of Egypt

  1. 2. Woman with a feather on her head. Goddess of truth, justice, and harmony.
  2. 6. Man with the head of a hawk. God of the sky. Protector of the ruler of Egypt
  3. 7. Dwarf with lion and human features. God of family. Protector against snake and scorpion bites.
  4. 9. combination of Horus and Ra. The Rising sun.
  5. 11. Woman with the head of a cat. Protective goddess.
  6. 14. Man with the head of a curly-horned ram God of flooding
  7. 15. Woman with headdress in the shape of a throne. Protective goddess
  8. 16. the sun god. Most important
  1. 1. Man wrapped in a tight white cloak carrying a staff. God of craftsman.
  2. 3. Man with the double crown. Creator god. First god to exist on earth
  3. 4. A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers . God of the dead and underworld. Gift of barley.
  4. 5. Woman with headdress showing her name in hieroglyphs. Protective goddess of the dead.
  5. 8. Man lying down below the arch of the sky goddess Nut. God of the earth.
  6. 10. Woman with a headdress of horns and a sun disk. Goddess of love and joy. Mother of the pharaoh.
  7. 12. God of embalming/mummification. Jackal headed mask
  8. 13. A man with the head of an ibis holding a writing palette. God of writing and knowledge. Gave the Egyptians the gift of Hieroglyphics.
  9. 17. Man with a ram head. One of the most powerful gods. At one point in Egyptian history, he was considered the “king of the gods”