Harry Potter

  1. 3. guy who couldn't smell even if he tried.
  2. 6. Dumbledore/Favored Harry Potter and died at the hand of Severus.
  3. 7. lovely word that was used by a Slytherin as a bad way to flirt with a Gryffindor
  4. 9. of Erised/Shows only you what your deepest desire is.
  5. 10. all the attention.
  6. 11. Potter/Went after his best friends little sister.
  7. 14. Granger/Gryffindor Princess.
  8. 16. Large marsupial
  9. 18. "Mudblood" into Hermione's arm.
  10. 20. very snowy owl who suffered a tragic death while protecting her owner.
  11. 21. Hollow/The place where Lily and James died also known as the place Severus had his heart broken.
  12. 23. Weasley/Redhead with the evil rat.
  13. 25. Likes to chase mice
  14. 26. Snape/Could have been Harrys father.
  15. 29. and humble.
  16. 30. Malfoy/Hermiones true soulmate.
  17. 31. Flying mammal
  18. 32. Flying mammal
  19. 33. Hairy, oops I mean friendly giant.
  1. 1. of all the houses.
  2. 2. and cunning.
  3. 4. to go back in time. (Used in 3rd book/movie) the
  4. 5. Has a trunk
  5. 8. Man's best friend
  6. 12. Rowling/How does Harry Potter get around? Walking....__.__. ________!
  7. 13. Large marsupial
  8. 15. Has a trunk
  9. 17. Man's best friend
  10. 19. in the gut and buried in sand.
  11. 22. Reparo/Spell Hermione used to fix Harrys glasses for the first time.
  12. 24. in a sorta physical form that sucks all happiness from one's soul.
  13. 25. Likes to chase mice
  14. 27. Longbottom/Forgets a lot and loses a lot of belongings. Ex) Toad.
  15. 28. Lovegood/Free-spirited and unique.
  16. 30. Hollows/3 items that cause a lot of trouble.