History of the DNA crossword!

  1. 5. a sub unit that consists of sugar,phosphate and nitrogen base.
  2. 7. Discovered how chemicals worked together and built the first model of DNA (given credit)
  3. 9. segment of a chromosome that is moved or lost (delete)
  4. 10. Discovered DNA shape by (using an x-ray)
  1. 1. something acting or serving in place of another.
  2. 2. the act of inserting a substance.
  3. 3. a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that encodes the synthesis of a ____ product,either RNA or protein.
  4. 4. discovered the chemicals in DNA.
  5. 6. deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule in all living things determine the trait that a living thing inherits
  6. 8. ribonucleic acid,a nucleic acid present in all living things, acts as a messenger.