It was just a dream, or was it?

  1. 4. Spain signed this to end the war
  2. 5. A person who stole between $30 million and $200 million from the city of New York
  3. 8. A president during the Progressive Era
  4. 9. Usually corrupted, these organizations helped immigrants in exchange for their votes
  5. 10. Helped the US get more land
  1. 1. A person who hated immigration
  2. 2. Something that only has three points and should really be renamed
  3. 3. A nickname for Teddy Roosevelt
  4. 6. These apartments were usually crowded and unsanitary
  5. 7. A person who exposed the corruption in politics and businesses
  6. 10. A tall building
  7. 11. Wrote The Jungle
  8. 12. This connected America together