Jobs That Use Chemistry

  1. 1. responsible for preparing, analyzing tissue samples, and interpreting their results, in order to determine the genetic origins and properties of the sample.
  2. 4. studies the chemical and physical properties of metal and finding ways metal products can be manufactured and utilized.
  3. 6. studies the separation,identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artifical materials.
  4. 7. studies the compounds in living things that contain carbon.
  5. 8. responsible for accessing the chemical and physical properties of natural and synthetic materials in order to understand them and apply them to developing or regulating medicinal products.
  6. 13. studies agriculture and conducts experiments to develop the best methods for increasing the quality and production of crops.
  7. 14. monitors and record reactions, noting changes in chemical and physical properties and compositional changes of substances.
  8. 15. a physician who studies body fluids and tissues, and uses laboratory tests to monitor the health of patients with chronic conditions.
  9. 16. a highly trained researcher who studies the structure and function of the brain and nervous system, and conducts theoretical reasearch using computer simulations and laboratory experiments on tissue samples.
  10. 18. develops and improves oil based products, including fuel and polymers.
  11. 19. develops and implements laboratory studies and field surveys to assess the impact of toxins on humans, animals, plants and the environment.
  12. 20. a biologist who studies genetics,the science of genes, heredity, and variation of organisms, and performs experiments and analyze data to interpret the inheritance of skills.
  1. 2. performs research and work relating to structures and the atomic and subatomic levels.
  2. 3. scientific professional who analyze various types of minerals and ores for the purpose of identifying properties of those substances, as well as their value.
  3. 5. a technician who assists with or carries out work in a building or room equipped for conducting scientific research or for teaching practical science, such as by carrying out routine tests and analyzing the results.
  4. 9. a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences and life sciences together with mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy.
  5. 10. highly specialized chemists who apply the basic principles of chemistry to the understanding of textile materials for the purpose of functionality and aesthetically modifying them into useful and desirable items.
  6. 11. studies the chemistry of Earth's and the other planets atmospheres
  7. 12. studies chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisims
  8. 17. a scientist who uses both geology and chemistry to study the earth and the chemical make up of and interaction between various substances found in the earth.