La ropa

  1. 3. Ballet uses these
  2. 5. wearing these makes hiking more comfortable on your feet
  3. 7. you keep your neck warm in the winter with this
  4. 11. you use these to block out the haters
  5. 12. The smaller version of a winter coat
  6. 13. you use this to make your hair look good
  7. 15. goes with a suit
  8. 17. These keep pants from falling
  9. 18. use this to protect yourself by the rain
  10. 20. people where these to keep their feet warm in the mornings
  11. 21. This protects your face from the sun
  12. 23. Hardcore 80's exercise people wear these
  13. 24. if you don't have this, who knows when class will end
  14. 27. People where a short sleeve _____ in the spring
  1. 1. Jedis usually take these off before they fight
  2. 2. you keep your hands warm with these
  3. 4. You can put a _____ on and you will be safe from the rain
  4. 6. people usually wear this form of clothing in the winter
  5. 7. these can hold shirts together
  6. 8. people who are married have these on their neck
  7. 9. The only thing that makes it painless when you step on legos
  8. 10. cortos after April 1 you can where these again
  9. 14. Women will get a wedding ______ to wear at their wedding
  10. 15. a form of decorations for a woman's neck
  11. 16. rhymes with house
  12. 19. interior Not visible to the eye
  13. 22. this holds money and a ID
  14. 25. These and sandals are a nasty combination
  15. 26. de baƱo people where these when they go swimming